Thank you!
We’re thrilled to have you join us! Below you’ll find this weeks class schedule, as well as a link to make payment if you’d like RSVP now, and information on how to join class.
Payment Information
How to Join Class
The class link for all classes is: (Save this link for your convenience).
Meeting ID: 847 693 836 - Password: 059126 - Duration: ~35 minutes
Please download the ZOOM app. beforehand on whatever device you'll be using.
Make sure your device is charged or plugged in.
You do not have to share your video to participate! Come as you are.
Qigong is a type of energy medicine that relaxes the body, feels good, and can be done anywhere!
What is Animal Flow and Primal Movement?
It’s a form of energy medicine that’s at least 2,000 years old and based on Traditional Chines Medicine. TCM holds that all disease and dysfunction occur first at a subtle energy level and from there ripple outward to the physical body. By unblocking the energy meridians - which are like the wireless communication network of the body - we are able to let the “chi” or life force flow throughout the body. Addressing the root cause of our imbalances allows us to heal from the inside out. Qigong uses sounds, gentle movements, breathing exercises, and self-touch/acupressure to balance the body from the inside out. Life a fragrant flower opening towards to the light rays of the sun, our bodies have the ability to inspire, open, and flourish in the right conditions. Our subtle life force - “qi” - is guided along the bodies meridian channels. When unobstructed, this network of consciousness creates vitality, fertility, and effortless strength. Trauma, excess tension, and even habitual thoughts and addiction all create blockages, preventing the flow of qi and creating the conditions for disease, dysfunction, and injury.
How long are the classes? What is the structure?
Classes are 30 minutes long. Sometimes there interactive and allow for sharing, other times we jump right in to moving our bodies, depending how many people are on the video conference. If you don’t feel like sharing your video or audio, you don’t have to.
How do I make payment?
You can pay here.
Are the classes live or pre-recorded? Can you see me?
Classes are live, and you can decide if you want to share your video or not. Sharing your video is not required, though we’d love to see you… feel free to wear your pajamas!
What should I bring to class? Do I really not need any equipment?
No need to bring anything, except maybe a box of tissues for the breath purification exercises! The human body is the most powerful, elegant, miraculous piece of “equipment” in the universe!
Who is teaching the class?
That would be me, Jonathan! In my own life, Energy Medicine has helped me overcome anxiety, depression, and a serious neck injury, so 20 years ago I started sharing it with other people. I’m initiated into a healing lineage that is 800 years old and also competed a 3 year Medical Qigong Therapist international certification through the Dantao School and Institute of Traditional Medicine. You can read more about me here.
Jonathan Angelilli - Photo: Todd Marshard @ Sky Health