
Thank you!


We’re thrilled to have you join us! We’ll be reaching out to you asap via email or phone. Below you’ll find this weeks class schedule, as well as a link to make payment if you’d like RSVP now, and information on how to join class. Otherwise, you’ll get regular invites to class each week via email and can drop in whenever you like.

Energy Medicine for Heroes Class Schedule

Mondays 9:30am - Immune Boost Qigong - gentle movements, acupressure points, and sound healing to purify the lungs, prevent infections, and work with emotions, especially grief and anxiety.

Tuesday 9:30am - Dragon Cave Tai Chi - this rare tai chi form is normally practice in caves on retreat, and is perfect for using small physical spaces to create inner freedom.

Thursdays 9:30am - Qi Flow - taught by movement specialist Alexandra Damiani, this class offers gentle qigong movements that link together to create a healing flow of energy that radiates from the inside out.


How to Join Class

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Student Feedback

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I’m filled with positive energy during & after these classes, every time. It’s just wonderful! I feel so good afterwards, I’m almost afraid to trust it. The lung purification sequence is really helpful, and I feel the class allows me to build inner strength so that I can fight whatever may come my way.
— Marie A. - Wound Care Specialist - North Shore University Hospital.
I have been loving the classes! Thank you so much for sharing these unique movement technique... I AM OBSESSED!
— Sydney A. - student 
I can compare Jonathan’s classes to getting a long needed warm hug. It’s healing, nourishing, medicinal and you ALWAYS leave feeling damn good! In one class, I felt all this physical and emotional stress leaving my body, and that was amazing.
— Sheri Dubash - Physical Therapist, Manhattan
I can’t thank you enough for these classes, Jonathan. We really enjoyed it, a very welcome half hour of deep relaxation. And that night I had an amazing, restful sleep.
— E. I - Nurse - North Shore University Hospital
Class with Jonathan is awesome. After just one thirty minute class, I felt great for the rest of the day. Then I passed out at 9pm and slept solidify for the first time in a while. Then I took his Primal Energy class, and my back pain disappeared.
— Paul F. - pilot
You have no idea how much of a difference these classes are making in my life. I have felt so overwhelmed recently and these practices and movements are completely restoring me into a state of safety and peace within myself. I can’t wait to continue.
— Meredith P. - Educator


Please use the button below if you’d like to make a one time or regular donation. Thank you so much for your support.

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Jonathan’s Energy Medicine classes have produced some dramatic results for me in a short amount of time. I was sleeping terribly for days and started having panic attacks after being diagnosed Covid+.

After the very first session, my anxiety decreased significantly and I slept like a baby that night, and woke up with half the headache I normally have. Since then, I haven’t had to use Tylenol for my headaches for days.

On a deeper level, one week of classes has even changed my relationship to my body; I’ve learned how to use gentle touch to bring calmness, how to use breathing and subtle movement to relieve anxiety, and I have better energy and focus.

I think all health care workers - especially nurses, doctors, respiratory therapists and social workers - would benefit greatly from this practice. By day 6 I felt great in my body and ready to go back to work, while many of my younger co-workers are battling through symptoms on Day 17 and beyond.
— Fiona Stokes - Registered Nurse, ANM, North Shore University Hospital

Qigong is a type of energy medicine that relaxes the body, feels good, and can be done anywhere!

Qigong is a type of energy medicine that relaxes the body, feels good, and can be done anywhere!



What is Qigong?

It’s a form of energy medicine that’s at least 2,000 years old and based on Traditional Chines Medicine. TCM holds that all disease and dysfunction occur first at a subtle energy level and from there ripple outward to the physical body. By unblocking the energy meridians - which are like the wireless communication network of the body - we are able to let the “chi” or life force flow throughout the body. Addressing the root cause of our imbalances allows us to heal from the inside out. Qigong uses sounds, gentle movements, breathing exercises, and self-touch/acupressure to balance the body from the inside out. Life a fragrant flower opening towards to the light rays of the sun, our bodies have the ability to inspire, open, and flourish in the right conditions. Our subtle life force - “qi” - is guided along the bodies meridian channels. When unobstructed, this network of consciousness creates vitality, fertility, and effortless strength. Trauma, excess tension, and even habitual thoughts and addiction all create blockages, preventing the flow of qi and creating the conditions for disease, dysfunction, and injury.

What do people have to say about learning Energy Medicine from Jonathan?

  • "Working with Jonathan changed my life.  I use his techniques almost every day because they are so effective - more than any talk therapy, medication or alternative treatment. " Ashley B. T.

  • “The simple energy meditation Jonathan taught me has made such an amazing impact on my life. With just a five minute practice, my anxiety has plummeted and at the same time my energy levels and focus have increased." Karina O.

  • "Jonathan is a master trainer. He cares about his clients deeply and works to provide them with a comprehensive, holistic and compassionate experience." Frank C.

  • “The Energy Medicine Jonathan did while I was 8 months pregnant was BY FAR the most relief and relaxation I felt during the third trimester, and afterwards I fell into a spontaneous, deep sleep. “ Kristen F..

Why is it important to support NYC Health care workers with energy medicine?

Great question! They’re under immense stress right now, trying to keep up with the highly infectious corona virus while working long shifts, getting infected, and working under war time conditions. Many of them are under trained and being put into emergency situations, some are being pressured to work even when they don’t feel great, many are feeling depressed, anxious, burnt out, and some are turning to alcohol to medicate their emotional stress.

In other words, more than anyone, they need positive vibes right now! But Qigong does so much more than that, it’s a very empowering system of self-care that can be done anywhere, has been tested for over millennia, is practiced my millions in Asia, and has been proven to balance the immune system, prevent and fight infection, and relieve emotional stress through mindful movement. Developing a 5 minute self-care practice that makes you feel better is very empowering!

How do I register? Is it required?

Registration is required and can be done in less than 2m by filling out the form at the bottom of this page or by clicking here.

How long are the classes? What is the structure?

Classes are 30 minutes long. Sometimes there interactive and allow for sharing, other times we jump right in to moving our bodies, depending how many people are on the video conference. If you don’t feel like sharing your video or audio, you don’t have to.

Is this like a fitness class? Can I get a good workout in just 30m?

Energy Medicine is similar to fitness classes in that you practice specific movements repeatedly for different areas of the body. It’s different in that the emphasis is on sensation, relaxation, and a breathing. Some of the techniques will get the heart rate up, but many of them will just feel good and make your mind quite peaceful.

How do I prove I’m a health care worker?

We’ll ask you to send us some verification once you signup, if you have a hospital ID that works, but if not reach out and we’ll get you verified and set up quickly to take class.

I have a friend that could benefit, how do I connect them with you?

Absolutely! Send them a link to this page or have them email us at

What if I’m not sure which class is right for me?

Shoot me an email, we’ll figure it out together :-)

How do I make payment?

You can pay here.

What if I can’t pay $20 for a class?

Please email me at and we’ll get you set up. No one will be turned away right now.

How do I access classes? What do I need to do beforehand?

Classes are live and hosted via the Zoom App. Please download Zoom on your phone or computer before class time. We will send you more instructions once you are registered, but it’s pretty simple.

Are the classes live or pre-recorded? Can you see me?

Classes are live, and you can decide if you want to share your video or not. Sharing your video is not required, though we’d love to see you… feel free to wear your pajamas!

What should I bring to class? Do I really not need any equipment?
No need to bring anything, except maybe a box of tissues for the breath purification exercises! The human body is the most powerful, elegant, miraculous piece of “equipment” in the universe!

I’m not sure this is right for me, can I try a free class first?

Yes, shoot me an email and we’ll get you set up!

Is it okay if my roomate/family member takes the class with me?

Yes, of course! You don’t have to pay more, but donations are welcome. Even if your household is loud right now, come take class and we’ll use mute so you don’t have to worry about making noise.

What if something comes up last minute and I need to reschedule, will I lose that class session?

This crisis is an all hands on deck situation; stuff will come up. There is no charge, just shoot me a note anytime before class starts and we’ll get you re-scheduled asap.

I’m not ready to register but I’d like to be involved and get updates, how do I do that?

Right on! Shoot me an email at and I’ll put you on the list. Would love to hear from you!

Who is teaching the class?

That would be me, Jonathan! In my own life, Energy Medicine has helped me overcome anxiety, depression, and a serious neck injury, so 20 years ago I started sharing it with other people. I’m initiated into a healing lineage that is 800 years old and also competed a 3 year Medical Qigong Therapist international certification through the Dantao School and Institute of Traditional Medicine. You can read more about me here.

Jonathan Angelilli - Photo: Todd Marshard @ Sky Health

Jonathan Angelilli - Photo: Todd Marshard @ Sky Health

We aren’t born with an owner’s manual for the body. Did you know that movement can:

  • Balance your hormonal cycle.

  • Relieve emotional stress.

  • Massage the internal organs.

  • Decrease pain, sickness, and boost the immune system.

  • Release trauma and heal old injuries.

  • Cool down chronic inflammation.